MS/JH National Conference for Choral Music

In 2016, the Cambiata Institute, located at the University of North Texas, Denton, will host the third MS/JH National Conference for Choral Music. Similar to the 2012 and 2014 Conferences, this Conference will advocate for the pedagogical interests of middle school choral music educators.

“With outstanding facilities to host  the Conference, University of North Texas, Denton, is 30 minutes north of Dallas. We are a year out, choir submissions are due August 1, and we  guarantee a positive experience by all who participate.” 
– Alan McClung, Conference Coordinator 

“Every current and aspiring middle school and junior high teacher in the United States should attend this conference!  Included are repertoire, strategies, and materials for growing a thriving choral music program in your school and community.  Even with 28 years of experience teaching at the middle level, I still discovered new and fresh ideas that teachers could use immediately after attending this conference in 2014.  If you want to become a master teacher at the middle level, you MUST attend this inspiring and engaging professional development opportunity.” 
– Karen Fulmer, ACDA National President

Details can be found at: