ACDA-Michigan Male Choral Festival 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
9:00 a.m. (arrival time)-4:30 p.m.
Pease Auditorium
Eastern Michigan University
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Clinician: Dr. Eugene Rogers, Director, University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club and Repertory and Resources Chair for Male Choirs for the ACDA Central Division
Co-hosts: The Eastern Michigan University Men’s Chorus, Dr. Brandon Johnson, director, and CHIAROSCURO: A Community Men’s Chorus, Susan Matych-Hager, director
DESCRIPTION: Male choirs of any type including church choirs, school choirs, community choirs and college/university choirs or male ensembles drawn from mixed choruses are encouraged to participate. Because Ypsilanti, Michigan is within easy driving distance from Indiana and Ohio, it is hoped that choirs from those states will elect to participate. A maximum of twelve choirs will be selected on a first-come, first served basis. Each choir will perform one or two pieces of their choice followed by remarks by clinician, Dr. Eugene Rogers, director of the University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club, Ann Arbor, Michigan. In addition, all participating choirs will prepare “Zion’s Walls” adapted by Aaron Copland and arranged by Glenn Koponen (TTBB), to be rehearsed by Dr. Rogers and performed at the end of the festival.
FEES: The fee per performing choir is $150 (ACDA member) or $275 (Non-ACDA member, which includes an individual ACDA membership). Choirs who wish to observe without participating in the event are offered a group rate of $50 per group. A choir director must be present in order qualify for a non-participating group rate if members of the choir are 18 or younger. Individual tickets will be available at the door for $5 for all others.
APPLICATION PROCESS: The festival application process has now opened. Applications will be accepted from now until October 14, 2016 or until a total of 12 choirs has been selected. Application forms for participating choirs and non-participating choirs are now available here: (Payment required by check or online here.)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additional questions about the ACDA Michigan Male Choir Festival may be addressed to Susan Matych-Hager, Repertory and Resources Chair for Male Choirs, ACDA-Michigan, via this contact form.
Dr. Eugene Rogers
Associate Director of Choirs and Associate Professor of Conducting, University of Michigan

Dr. Eugene Rogers
Recognized as a leading conductor, pedagogue, and lecturer, Eugene Rogers has appeared throughout the United States as well as in Africa, Canada, China, Singapore, England, Portugal, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Mexico, Spain, and Italy. Recently, Rogers conducted the University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club in Salt Lake City, Utah at the National Convention of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). In December 2014, the Naxos recording of Milhaud’s monumental L’Orestie d’Eschyle, on which Rogers served as a chorus master, was nominated for a 2015 GRAMMY® Award (“Best Opera Recording”).
Rogers is currently associate director of choirs at U-M where he teaches undergraduate conducting, conducts the Men’s Glee Club and the University Choir, and is the faculty director of the MPulse Vocal Arts Institute, a national high school summer program. His past appointments include Macalester College (St. Paul, Minnesota), the Boys Choir of Harlem, Waubonsie Valley High School (Aurora, Illinois), and Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago (formerly the Glen Ellyn Children’s Choir). In 2013, Rogers co-managed the production of the joint CD Ye Shall Have a Song with the Michigan, Yale, and Harvard Glee Clubs, a collaboration celebrating America’s three oldest collegiate choirs.
Notable guest appearances include the Ministry Branch of Education Inaugural World Youth Choir Festival (Singapore); the Lisbon Summerfest Chamber Choir and Festival Chorus; VocalEssence and the Minnesota Public Radio Harmony in the Park; the Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) High School Mixed Honor Choir (Luxembourg), the British Columbia Music Education Association Honor Choir; the NAfME All-Northwest High School Mixed Choir; Westminster Chamber Choir (Florence, Italy, and Princeton, New Jersey); Choral Music Experience (London, England); the Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asia High Schools Biennial Music Festival (Singapore); the Colorado All-State Choir; the Oregon All-State Mixed Choir, the Tlaxcala Mexico Second International Festival of Chamber Choirs; Choirs of America Festival (New York); the Oklahoma State University Choral Festival (Stillwater, Oklahoma); the Florida ACDA High School Mixed Honor Choir; the OAKE (Organization of American Kodály Educators) National Youth Honor Choir; the Alabama Middle School All-State Choir; Chorus America San Francisco Conference; the Illinois ACDA Summer Conference; the ACDA North Central Division Middle School Honor Choir; and the Vocalizze Youth Program in Lisbon. 2016-17 appearances include guest- conducting and conference presentations in British Columbia, China, Madrid, Portugal, Singapore, California, Georgia, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Michigan.
In 2015, Mark Foster Publishing began the Eugene Rogers Choral Series, a series featuring emerging composers who specialize in contemporary classical and folk music traditions. In 2011, Rogers traveled to and studied the choral traditions of East Africa (Tanzania) and subsequently published editions of Tanzanian choral music under the Hal Leonard World Music Series. As a singer, Rogers has performed with the World Youth Choir, the Portland Symphonic Choir, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Chorale, and the May Festival Chorus in Cincinnati, Ohio.
In addition to his duties as a conductor, teacher, and singer, Rogers is the first national chair of Diversity Issues for the American Choral Directors Association National Conference, co-artistic director of Portugal’s Lisbon Summer Choral Festival and, in 2010 and 2011, was the artistic director of the Disneyland Hong Kong Winter Choral Festival. He has served as a panelist for the National Endowment of the Arts and currently serves on the boards of the Central Division American Choral Directors Association (Male Chorus R&S Chair), the National Collegiate Choral Organization, and is the ChoralQuest series editor for the American Composers Forum.
Rogers holds the Bachelor of Arts degree in choral music education from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and the Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in choral conducting from U-M.