What a terrific Fall Conference!
Francisco Núñez proved to be charming, engaging and amazingly perceptive in his clinics with choirs and student conductors. It is always a thrill to watch a master teacher make substantial improvements in a short session!
We were encouraged about our ACDA prospects after listening to Jo-Michael Scheibe! It is a rare individual who can combine incredible talent with an ability to articulate an inspiring, yet attainable, vision of the future.
Our reading packets introduced us to new and exciting multicultural literature. With our rapidly changing national demographics, we cannot afford to be stuck in a rut of performing only old-school classical music, wonderful as it may be. World music is exciting to both our students and our audiences! A list of some of our reading packets, provided by Musical Resources, can be found elsewhere on our website. The music can look daunting at first glance, but Mike Mitchell, Deb Fristad and clinicians found some very accessible pieces! Many of the songs can be heard on YouTube and/or publisher’s websites. Check them out!
There is no doubt that music is alive and well in Michigan after we enjoyed the choirs featured in both concerts and interest sessions! Kudos to the directors who successfully readied their groups for delightful performances so early in the year! Obviously, it can be done!
The Brazeal Dennard Chorale, under the new direction of Dr. Augustus O. Hill, impressed the audience with a variety of challenging music! We were gratified to have the always gracious Brazeal Dennard himself in attendance and to be able to recognize him for his many contributions to our art!
What a privilege to have the opportunity to recognize an esteemed colleague with the Maynard Klein Award! Mark Puchala is a most deserving addition to this distinguished list of Michigan directors. You will want to read his biography and heart-warming acceptance speech.
All in all, the ACDA-MI Fall Conference fed our souls and inspired us to return to our choirs with renewed vigor and enthusiasm!