Allendale Vocalists to Perform in Dalla
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Congratulations to Bruce Synder, our 2023 Maynard Klein award winner. Please enjoy these comments from Ginny Kerwin, who spoke on Bruce’s behalf at the fall conference. It is a distinct honor for me to speak on behalf of Bruce Snyder,…
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Dear Esteemed Colleagues, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It is with immense pleasure and honor that I write to you today, introducing myself as the President of the American Choral Director’s Association…
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ACDA – Michigan Fall Treble Choir High School, College and Community Choirs **Updated Information – July 10** The 2023 ACDA Michigan Conference will feature a statewide, multigenerational Treble Voice Choir featuring high school, college and community treble voiced singers.The choir…
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We are excited to announce and invite treble voice singers to participate in the 2023 ACDA Michigan Treble Voice Choir. This multigenerational choir is open to high school, college and community choirs as well as individual ACDA members who want…
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The 2022 Maynard Klein Award winner Les Rowsey received his BA in Music Education from Olivet (MI) College in 1977 and his MA in Choral Conducting from Western Michigan University in 1985. He continues to attend conventions, clinics, and workshops…
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By JULIANA KNOT HP Staff Writer BERRIEN SPRINGS — Great music requires both spontaneity and conformance to the rules, according to Stephen Zork. Zork, who is a professor of music at Andrews University, specializes in choral studies and leads the…
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By Erin Colwitz, ACDA-Michigan President ACDA-Michigan held its annual conference this past weekend (October 22-23, 2021) at Central Michigan University. This conference was offered as a “hybrid” model to accommodate those that do not yet feel comfortable conferencing in person….
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Dear ACDA-MI colleagues: We are saddened to learn of the passing of Milt Olsson, Professor Emeritus of Music at Michigan Tech. Milt served ACDA-MI for many years on the board, including a term as President, and was a Maynard Klein…
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Successful Strategies for Sixth Grade Singers Part 1 Thomas Blue Rochester Community Schools With many teachers returning to in-person teaching, I would like to offer some strategies that have been successful as I have worked with sixth grade students through…
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